My Latest Book

"If I Know Better, Why Am I Not Doing Better? Cracking the Autopilot Code" is a project born from deeply personal reasons, not the least of which is the title itself— one of my year-long mantras aiding me in self-discovery. It is also driven by reasons that have guided me over the past two-plus decades:... Continue Reading →

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How was Heaven?

With the new year fast approaching I thought it was a great time to do a little reflecting. Take a couple deep breaths, open your mind and your heart, and let's play the what if game. What if when you die, you stand in front of your maker and he asks,  “How was Heaven?” What... Continue Reading →

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Was Steve Jobs Wrong?

Listening to Steve Jobs' iconic Commencement Speech at Stanford University, it gained widespread attention, mainly for one message: "Do what you love." Before co-founding Apple with Wozniak, Jobs had a deep affinity for spirituality and experimenting with psychedelics, embracing Eastern mysticism and Buddhism. His commitment to spirituality even led to his replacement in his first... Continue Reading →

One Team One Mission

Collective Consciousness In my experience of this beautiful world, I've concluded that most people aspire to do good. I observe a shared desire for unity and collective growth. Unfortunately, on the flip side, I notice an increasing number of people fostering separation in the name of unity and community, which contradicts the intended goal. Many... Continue Reading →

The Chase

We as the highest evolved animals in existence have mastered the "chase" throughout history. We've hunted. We've pursued pray, enemies, and food. We've  went after the next thing to help us and ours survive. And because we've evolved so much and we've been so successful at the above, we no longer have to chase those... Continue Reading →


A very long time ago I made a commitment to myself to get better in every aspect of my life. The first step to manifesting that goal was to Do better every day, every week, every month and every year. Everyday since that faithful day many years ago was perfect. Not necessarily a good day... Continue Reading →


How committed are you to being happy? Enough to make those you love happy? Enough to jump out of your comfort zone and take a chance with no guarantee of success? How committed are you to your commitments? Enough to make decisions that affect everyone around you? How personal is your purpose?  Enough to have... Continue Reading →


Often I've quoted a young girls version of what resilience means, a promise to yourself never to give up. I refuse to live with regrets. Can't do anything about the past but you can do something about your now and your future. I often meditate on that definition. Years ago I made myself this promise... Continue Reading →

All Worthwhile Goals

What was the hardest personal goal you've set for yourself? Grateful that I've pushed myself to reach many hard goals. I'm glad the question is "set for yourself", rather than achieved. Because the hardest ones I've set for myself, I've failed at. Some I've achieved: 1000 miles ran in one year weighing over 250 Total... Continue Reading →

Application into our Daily Life

With all the books we read, the documentaries we watch, the techniques we learn, the religions we practice, the application of it onto our daily life seems to escape us. What is knowledge without application but entertainment?  What good is quoting philosophers or scriptures without application but the ego showing off? What is a physical... Continue Reading →

How Should We Eat

Oh Nooo... not another diet! Nope. No new diet here. But an old lifestyle way of eating yes. A diet but not a diet. I've pretty much always known that eating whole foods is healthier than not. However, until recently I didn't realize how many nutrients we actually take in when we eat whole foods.... Continue Reading →

Purpose in Life

Not everyone needs to understand your mission. Do you have a mission? Do you have a purpose for today? Do you have a goal today? Or are you just trying to skate by like today doesn't matter? I'm currently 46. Let's say I live until I'm 80 if I'm really lucky. That's 34 years left... Continue Reading →

My Imperfect Life

Since the beginning of social media it seems folks only post the best highlights of their lives, they pick and choose the best poses, and they post their best meals. Social media and truth don't always go hand in hand. Being that these blogs are meant primarily for my children, I want them to know... Continue Reading →

Focus vs Distraction

I recall as a child using my imagination creating board games, creating highways in the dirt for my hot wheels and playing pretend which I believe all nourished my creativity and imagination. "Imagination is more important than knowledge. Knowledge is limited. Imagination encircles the world.”Albert Einstein Growing up I remember tinkering with things such as... Continue Reading →


As I sit at the beach meditating after a nice run, I begin to pray. Such a beautiful afternoon. I thank God for creating this beautiful ocean. Then I stop myself and wonder if God is indeed the ocean, along with everything else. It would be silly to thank him for his creation if he... Continue Reading →

The Non-Believing Believer

Disclaimer: If you are religious, stop here, close the window and move on. If you’re more spiritual than religious then maybe you can handle what I have to say. If you are religious and you chose to continue, please do not create conflict by trying to make me believe in your “truths”. I try to... Continue Reading →

Self Love

Self love, well that’s a loaded phrase. What does it mean? What does it entail? How does one practice it? What’s the best way to go about it? I know, lots of questions on this one.  This morning I woke up early and went about my morning routine. One of the practices I try to... Continue Reading →

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Jimmy Perez

Author, Blogger, Thought Provoker, Critical Thinker


My place in this world to exercise creativity

My Trauma Secrets and Healing Journey

Telling my story while on my healing journey

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